Coro’s Blog: On Purpose

Rewiring the Economy: Sustainability Roundtable Podcast

Published on November 8, 2019

“Change is coming whether you like it or not.” Greta Thunberg

Greta’s message to the world largely focuses on the environmental realities facing our planet, but it should also be taken to heart by companies in thinking about the sustainability of their future. In my decades of work in the field of corporate sustainability, I am seeing an unprecedented shift by organizations to truly focus on embedding sustainability into their business models.

There is no doubt there is a pivot towards prioritizing sustainability – recognizing organizational and governance responsibilities in making the changes necessary to meet the increasing demands from consumers, employees, shareholders and regulatory bodies.

In this podcast, I, along with Heather Mak, a sustainability compatriot, join “Closing the Loop” podcast host Allen Langdon (circular economy innovator extraordinaire), to tackle these and other questions and issues:

  • Will business actually make the changes it needs to make? We all know that what doesn’t get measured doesn’t get done, so how are businesses commitments being monitored?
  • What are the trends and changes in business interests? What are the drivers for the shift?
  • How do partnerships and collaborations fit into maturing corporate sustainability?
  • How does it all contribute to the “circular economy”, the next frontier of sustainability?

Looking at sustainability as part of an organization’s business model is integral to meeting the expectations of investors, customers, and the workforce. If you’re in government, in business, or are a consumer of just about anything in our society, you’ll want to listen to this 30 minute podcast to help you understand and prepare for those changes that are coming – whether we like it or not:

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