Publications & Thought Leadership

March 2022

Association ESG Roadmap

Posted in Sustainable Associations

The Association ESG Roadmap is a tool for association leaders to assess their organization’s current ESG state and determine how far they would like to advance on ESG in the future. The Association ESG Roadmap captures a continuum of practices: from basic and opportunistic, to strategic and targeted, then visionary and collaborative, and finally, to the social purpose and transformational stage. Each is equated to a level – one through four – enabling organizations to better envision how far they would like to advance in the maturity model.

The Association ESG Roadmap is illustrative and not definitive, providing descriptions of different practices that are demonstrative of a developmental stage. Organizations typically have practices in more than one column and these practices will likely cluster around one or another level.

The Association ESG Roadmap can be used by organizations and their boards in determining their strategic approach. Organizations can use it to decide where they want to be, how much more they want to do, and whether it is in their mandate to advance along the levels.

The Association ESG Roadmap is an essential tool for associations of all types to improve their social and environmental impacts and those of their members.

Read / Download Association ESG Roadmap

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