Clean16 Recognition

In 2015, Coro received Canada’s Clean16 recognition as the top CSR consultant in Canada.

Every year 50 individuals or teams are recognized for their achievements in advancing the cause of sustainability and clean capitalism in Canada. They receive “Canada’s Clean50” awards.

The top candidates from 16 different award categories who have done the most to advance the cause of sustainability and clean capitalism in Canada over the past two years, receive the title as one of Canada’s Clean50. From this group of 50, Delta Management chooses the top 16 to be named as one of Canada’s Clean16.

The Clean50 is the only award program in the world that brings together a wide variety of people and experts, and then engages them in solving real world problems. Honourees are supported by Delta Management to remain engaged for ongoing collaboration with each other.

The 2015 Clean16 are truly the leaders in sustainability in Canada. The competition for the top spot this year in every instance left us with multiple great choices - and to be selected from amongst such a strong group of peers is truly a testament to the contribution these individuals have made to helping make living well in Canada more sustainable for all Canadians.
Gavin Pitchford
Chief Talent Officer, Delta Management Group