Wake up – the state of the planet is just as urgent as you think!

I feel an increasing sense of urgency about the state of our planet. Thank goodness I’m not alone. A lot of people my age and older realize things have to change, and fast. Many of us have invested much of our lives in trying to turn the tide; yet there is so much more to do.

Why sustainability accounting systems are like daffodils

Apologies to those of you buried in snow – here in Vancouver, I see the first signs of spring. As I watch tender green daffodil shoots push up through the cold earth, I am reminded of how difficult it can be to break ground and how important it is to nurture emerging ideas.

Make a Resolution, Reach Your Goal

Considering a New Year’s resolution? Well here’s a good reason to commit. Research shows that “People who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t explicitly make resolutions.”