Publications & Thought Leadership

Posted in Sustainable Boards
May 2022

The status quo is being upended. The foundations of our economy and society are being challenged and society is calling into question the purpose of the economy and the purpose of the organization. Boards and their organizations are at the heart of this debate.

The pace at which governance practices are moving has never been this fast. Governance professionals need to keep up with ever-changing expectations regarding diversity and inclusion, purpose, and climate from investors, management, the Board of Directors, stakeholders, customers, and the public. Being fluent in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) is no longer something that just brings added value to the company, but rather an imperative to thrive in the business world.

This was the backdrop to GPC’s third annual “deep dive” in ESG Governance: “Becoming Fluent in ESG Governance: Putting Inclusion, Purpose, and Climate Governance into Action”. The conference convened thought leaders, experts, and governance professionals to learn about and make sense of the emerging governance playbook.

“Becoming Fluent in ESG Governance: Putting Inclusion, Purpose, and Climate Governance into Action” is a summary report of the virtual event.

“Becoming Fluent in ESG Governance: Putting Inclusion, Purpose, and Climate Governance into Action” is a discussion-starter on the evolving role of boards and governance professionals in navigating the changing social terrain.

There is so much turbulence it can be hard for governance professionals and boards to know how to respond. “Becoming Fluent in ESG Governance: Putting Inclusion, Purpose, and Climate Governance into Action” can help governance professionals unpack and make sense of the changes afoot so they can both prepare and lead their organizations.

Becoming Fluent in ESG Governance: Putting Inclusion, Purpose, and Climate Governance into Action

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