Publications & Thought Leadership

Posted in Leadership Strategies
November 2016

The Circular Economy is driving a new approach to business around the world and will transform the way our economy produces and consumes goods and services. Leading companies are embracing this idea to create value for their business, customers and society. The Circular Economy Business Case Study: HP Inc provides an overview of the journey taken by one company to address these trends and become a circular business.

Circular Economy Business Case Study: HP Inc. provides insights into the drivers and product innovations of circular economy businesses.

Circular Economy Business Case Study: HP Inc. shows how HP is reinventing the way its products are designed, manufactured, used and recovered as it shifts its business model and operations towards a materials and energy-efficient circular economy.

As the Circular Economy Business Case Study shows, at HP a key concept in the circular economy is a materials cycle where plastics, metals, and other durable materials are used over and over without being “down-cycled” into lower-grade uses, eventually becoming waste. To achieve a healthy materials cycle, and reduce its product-related environmental impact, HP works to find alternatives to substances of concern, offers robust product recycling systems, designs for upgradeability and repairability and uses recycled content in new products. Together, these approaches drive its sustainability-driven materials management strategy. Equally, HP sees a business opportunity in designing products and services which meet and enable circular economy applications for its customers. It is committed to stimulating the development of recovered materials markets by using recycled content in new HP products.

The company’s overall long-term and enduring ambition is to take responsibility for its products throughout the lifecycle – to understand and own the impacts of its products along the value chain. The vision is to keep its products and materials in circulation for as long as possible. The company wants to lead the industry in driving circular design and practice. Circular Economy Business Case Study: HP Inc. profiles the company’s circular business model, its journey and the challenges it faced and lessons it learned along the way.

Circular Economy Business Case Study: HP Inc.

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