Publications & Thought Leadership

Posted in Implementation and Integration
December 2008

This Sustainable Purchasing Hot Spot Checklist provides a list of quick wins to integrate sustainability criteria into 10 common product and service areas.

Organizations starting out on their sustainable purchasing journey may find it overwhelming as there is so much to learn about how to reduce your negative and enhance your positive environmental and social impacts through your buying decisions.

To cut through the confusion, in collaboration with the Sustainability Purchasing Network Coro developed a list of 10 simple sustainable purchases to get you started. This list of “sustainable purchasing hots spot” items can help you make a difference right away.

The Sustainable Purchasing Hot Spot Checklist covers:

  • Electronic Equipment
  • Office Supplies
  • Office Furniture
  • Paper
  • Lighting
  • Cleaning Supplies and Custodial Services
  • Meetings, Conferences and Events
  • Business Travel
  • Gifts and Apparel
  • Coffee, Tea and Other Commodities

The Sustainable Purchasing Hot Spot Checklist provides advice, resources and references and recommends top certifications, labels and standards. It offers suggestions for buying products and services from local and diverse organizations (e.g. minority owned and social enterprises) and where to find them.

Download your copy of the Sustainable Purchasing Hot Spot Checklist (Top 10 Shopping List for Sustainable Purchasing) and get started. (1.5 MB PDF)

Sustainable Purchasing Hot Spot Checklist

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