Coro’s Blog: On Purpose

Inspired insights on accelerating, leading and transforming solutions for a sustainable world.

Coro writes frequently on a host of sustainability topics. Her insights are infused with the latest trends emerging from her own research and her work with clients in many sectors. Every post includes pragmatic tools you can use and links to more than 100 downloadable publications and resources so you can go deeper. Coro believes it’s important to share her knowledge and “tales from the trenches” with as many people or organizations as possible, with the goal of encouraging and attracting others who want to make a difference in their own work or communities.

Coro helps her clients develop cost-effective strategies for integrating sustainability values and outcomes into all aspects of their activities. Be it governance, operations, procurement, employee engagement, risk management, branding and communications, or involvement with key external stakeholders - Coro helps you see the connections and leverage them to scale up impact and value.
Linda Coady
Former Vice President, Sustainability, 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games
I go to Coro when I need unbiased strategic advice and expertise. There are very few people in the sustainability sphere I can reach out to who can offer both strategic and practical guidance. Coro fills a pretty unique need. She is highly attuned to best practices in sustainability and provides important insight on where sustainability is going. She liberally shares her work and her network with me.
Anna Mathewson
Manager, Sustainability, City of Surrey
Coro is a visionary with a global view on sustainability. Transitioning society to a sustainable future requires exceptional leadership: Coro stands out from the crowd for her deep insights, extensive research and practical experience. We need more organizations to pursue accelerated sustainability and with Coro’s advice and guidance, solutions are within reach.
Joel Makower
Chairman and Executive Editor GreenBiz Group Inc

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Oct 11, 2024
 in Leadership Strategies
The single-minded drive for profits in modern shareholder capitalism exacts a heavy toll on society. Accelerating climate change, mounting biodiversity loss, widening inequality, and eroding public trust are among the most damaging consequences of this economic paradigm. Its focus on profit as the primary purpose of business is a threat to human and planetary well-being.
Sep 20, 2024
 in Sustainable Boards
Corporate governance standards and expectations continue to evolve in response to rising demands from investors, regulators, and stakeholders – and in response to continuous improvement on the part of high-performing boards. In recent years, with more companies clarifying their purpose as their meaningful reason to exist, their boards are beginning to broaden their oversight role to include “purpose governance”.
Jun 10, 2024
 in Sustainable Boards
Corporate governance standards and expectations continue to evolve in response to rising demands from investors, regulators, and stakeholders—and in response to continuous improvement on the part of high-performing Boards.
Apr 15, 2024
 in Leadership Strategies
The purpose ecosystem is coming of age. You can see this when you start coming across academic research defining it and studying its potential and constraints, when you watch it come to fruition through your or others’ deliberate efforts, or when over 100 CEOs of purpose-driven companies endorse a Call to Purpose
Feb 19, 2024
 in Sustainable Associations
We are in the final inning. That sustainable future we all want? Not possible — unless companies work together across both sectors and shared value chains to innovate, share risks and overcome collective challenges.
Strandberg Consulting
Jan 19, 2024
 in Sustainable Boards
Social purpose is on the move. More and more companies are adopting a social purpose as the reason they exist but often the effort stops there.