The Social-Purpose Economy Is Coming of Age
The purpose ecosystem is coming of age. You can see this when you start coming across academic research defining it and studying its potential and constraints, when you watch it come to fruition through your or others’ deliberate efforts, or when over 100 CEOs of purpose-driven companies endorse a Call to Purpose
Becoming a Purpose Professional: Using Your Career to Become a Greater Force for Good
More and more companies are adopting a social purpose as the reason their business exists.
Closing the purpose governance gap
Is your board stewarding your company’s purpose? Probably not.
Purposeful Policy: How governments at all levels everywhere can accelerate the Purpose Economy
With negative economic, social, and environmental indicators spiraling, there is still hope on the horizon.
Post-secondary’s postscript: universities becoming a greater force for good
Society is facing challenges and uncertainties that threaten social cohesion and community well-being. Universities are uniquely positioned to invent and scale the solutions needed to enable a better quality of life for all of society within planetary thresholds.
Seeking Better Progress Toward Sustainability? Consider a Business Collaboration
After decades attempting to become a sustainable business by acting independently, businesses find that they can only advance by acting in concert with other industry actors. It is simply impossible to become sustainable by working in isolation.
The exponential innovation potential of circular, social purpose businesses
Society has started the long march toward living in harmony with nature’s realities. There is no other way forward. And where goes society, so goes the economy.
5 Ways Companies Can Transform to Social Purpose
Too many companies still understand their purpose — or fundamental reason for existence — as maximizing profits or shareholder wealth. How can they move beyond that narrow definition of purpose, towards defining how their businesses help address society’s challenges?
The Purpose Gloves Are Off: How to Not End Up on the Ropes
Corporate Knights, the famed Canadian publisher that annually ranks the world’s 100 most sustainable corporations, recently released its rating of 34 Canadian companies with a social purpose (a report I co-authored). It found that only half of those with a social purpose invest in authentic implementation; half likely do not and are at risk of purpose-washing.
Jumpstarting Canada’s Purpose Economy
In the face of the troubling issues we confront daily, including the climate emergency, systemic racism, rising inequality and the pandemic – to which we now add the devastation in Ukraine – there is a glimmer of hope.
Are corporations serving their purpose?
With a growing number of companies adopting a social purpose beyond profit, Corporate Knights and I weigh in on the leaders and laggards in this report. You will know Corporate Knights for their annual ranking of the world’s 100 most sustainable corporations and Canada’s top 50 corporate citizens.
Social Infrastructure: Construction Projects as a Force for Good
Society is at an inflection point. The intersecting crises of climate change, rising inequality, and systemic racism are driving organizations to rethink their roles in society as they mobilize their resources, reach, scale, and influence to help put humanity on a sustainable course.