Coro’s Blog: On Purpose

Shaping the Future: Strategies for a Purpose-Driven Economy: Podcast

Published on January 19, 2024

Dive into the future of small business with this podcast hosted by CanadianSME Small Business Magazine. SMEs (small and medium enterprises) account for more than 97% of the Canadian economy – and are setting the pace in purpose adoption across the country.

Hosted by media manager Maheen Bari, with myself and Maureen Young, VP of Social Purpose at Coast Capital in dialogue, this podcast explores the role that purpose plays in fostering innovation and growth in business.

We talked about the CEO Call to Purpose authored by leading social purpose companies including TELUS, Maple Leaf Foods, Lafarge Canada, and others, recently launched by the Canadian Purpose Economy Project, which has nearly 100 signatures – many SME leaders – so far. These purpose-driven CEOs are calling on their peers to embrace a social purpose as the reason they exist and grow the purpose economy in which all businesses are profitably solving the problems of people and planet.

I shared the success stores of a number of social purpose SMEs – like Baker Tilly Corporate Finance, Pro-Claim Group restoration company and Eclipse Awards – and how their clients and customers are attracted to their purpose value proposition. And told the impact stories of Hemlock Printers and Deep Cove Kayak as their purpose unlocks greater social and environmental good.

Maureen and I further unpacked what it means to be purpose-driven and how social purpose business is shaping the future of business. More and more companies are taking this path – with SMEs leading the way!

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