Webinars on leading social purpose and ESG best practices – learn what, why and how in 60 minutes or less.

Seeking to quickly understand the latest in social purpose and ESG in one short session? Looking for education and training for your board, team, business partners or organization? Wanting to inspire colleagues to take the next step in social purpose and sustainability?

Coro’s library of short educational webinars on leadership in social purpose and sustainability governance, strategy and implementation can help. They are useful tools for continuing professional development, team learning or strategy sessions.


State of Purpose Governance in Canada

In collaboration with six governance organizations, Coro provides an overview of the state of purpose governance in Canada and a set of purpose governance guidelines for boards.

Please note this webinar requires a free GPC account in order to view.

Setting the Tone for Change

On April 3rd, 2024, Green Economy Canada kicked off our new national sustainability events season with Sustainability Leadership: Setting the Tone for Change.

Cultivating Change: Accelerating the Shift to Purpose-Driven Business

Coro in conversation with Mike Rowlands, CEO of Junxion. They talk about the evolution of purpose-based business, leading practices you can implement, and the potential of purpose to shape an economy that serves the common good.

Marketing on Purpose: How Marketing Differs in a Social Purpose Company

Webinar on how three social purpose leaders transform their marketing to engage their customers and amplify their purpose moderated by Coro.

Take the Purpose Plunge: How Social Purpose Companies Embed their Purpose into their DNA

Webinar on how three social purpose leaders ranked “Platinum” by Corporate Knights embedded their social purpose into their organization’s DNA moderated by Coro.

Becoming a Purpose-Driven Company: Tales from the Trenches

GreenBiz 2021 Panel Session discussing the why and how of pivoting from CSR to Purpose moderated by Coro.

Introductory Video on the Qualities of a Transformational Company

This one-hour webinar introduces the Transformational Company Qualities and provides an overview of the drivers and trends, the business case, and suggestions for how you can use the transformational qualities in your organization or practice. It also profiles a number of best practice examples at Unilever, Interface and IKEA.

Introduction to the Transformational Company Qualities

Watch this 30 minute “Introduction to the Qualities of a Transformational Company” to learn what they are, why and how they were developed, why they are important and how you can use them in your corporate sustainability and social responsibility practice.

Sustainability, ESG and Corporate Social Responsibility and the Board: What Governance Professionals Should Know


Coro provides an overview of leading practices in ESG governance and the role of the corporate secretary. The Co-operators Insurance Group, which won a national award for its leading sustainability governance practices, is featured as a case study. Their story is told by the Corporate Secretary and the Chair of the Board’s Sustainability Committee. Please contact Megan McLean, Governance Professionals of Canada if interested in accessing this webinar.

Conference Board of Canada Webinars

These one-hour webinars Coro hosted for The Conference Board of Canada offer the latest ideas and practices in sustainability leadership. Each session explores an emerging sustainability practice, the business case, best practices, tools and how-to steps. Every webinar features leading business practitioners and executives sharing their company’s journey to sustainability. The webinars can be used for professional development, green team “lunch and learns”, function and business line engagement and corporate strategy development.

To receive 50% off the listed price, or see if you qualify for free access, contact marketing@conferenceboard.ca and quote CORO. Conference Board of Canada webinars often qualify for CPD credits. Contact your professional association for more information.

Join the sustainability conversation. Coro is active on Twitter and LinkedIn.