SDGs+3: Important New Lens on Global Goals

Humanity achieved a collective milestone when, in 2015, all countries of the United Nations endorsed the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Rewiring the Economy: Sustainability Roundtable Podcast

Greta’s message to the world largely focuses on the environmental realities facing our planet, but it should also be taken to heart by companies in thinking about the sustainability of their future. In my decades of work in the field of corporate sustainability, I am seeing an unprecedented shift by organizations to truly focus on embedding sustainability into their business models.
Sea Change Ahead: Upgrade Your Sustainability Vision Story

If your sustainability strategy is three or more years old, time to chart a new course with a refreshed, ambitious Sustainability Vision.
Governance and Sustainability: The New Normal

Boards are the last great sustainability frontier. They set the sustainability tone at the top, which then cascades throughout the company.
A Way Forward to Creating Social Impact

Now, more than ever, we need business leadership on the social issues of our time.
Corporate Social Innovation: The tool for transformational and social purpose companies to foster commercial and societal success

In my last article, I explained how transformational companies are supporting social enterprises through innovative buying strategies to diversify their supply chains, unlock creativity and connect more closely with their customers.
Social Buying: Choosing the right cleaner and caterer can help you unlock your company’s innovative potential

My last post explored how living wage employers benefit from higher productivity levels, lower hiring costs, better brand recognition and increased customer satisfaction. In this article, I focus on the importance of Social Buying.
Living Wage: Key to maximizing morale and driving financial value

In my previous post we saw how transformational companies are hiring people with employment barriers to demonstrate their values, increase productivity and connect more closely with the customers who buy their products. This time I focus on the importance of the Living Wage, the second of four core corporate strategies that I explore in detail in my Social Value Business Guide.
Community Hiring: The global labour market advantage is in your own back yard

Consumers around the world, from Vancouver and Toronto to Shanghai and New York, believe that a company’s social role goes beyond simply meeting legal requirements, complying with ethical standards, creating jobs and paying taxes. Research shows that consumers everywhere expect companies to act as social leaders, using their business expertise to lead social change.
Changing the lens, the focus, everything

For 25 years, I’ve developed CSR strategies. And now I see that CSR is becoming business as usual. You’d think I’d be celebrating. But I’m not – because CSR has stalled.
From Everydayism to Transformational Social Sustainability
Who wants to be stuck in “everydayism”? It may be comfy but it’s not very dynamic. Here’s a way out. Recently I published a how-to guide for business on how to go beyond “everdayism” to foster sustained social benefits in communities and markets.
Creating business value while generating social value
Business knows how to create value but today’s most progressive businesses are using business value to generate social value – and vice versa.