In The News

Coro is interviewed and quoted often in the news. Below you will find links to news items that feature Coro.

If you’ve ever wondered whether you should work in non-profit, business, or government, you’re not alone. But Coro Strandberg’s career story reminds us that there’s no one path to success. And that having experience in all three can make you the ideal social impact professional; understanding and speaking the language of social change in each sector.

Supply chain’s key role in sustainable business practices
The Globe and Mail, March 24, 2015
For companies with big electricity bills, finding ways to reduce consumption benefits not only the bottom line, but also the environment. Read the full article.

7 Key Retention Strategies To Keep Your Top Employees August 26, 2014
Happy employees are loyal employees. And retention of key employees is critical for a company’s long-term success.

The sustainability pay link June 4, 2014
The practice of tying executive compensation to ESG criteria may be on the rise, but it’s far from reaching its potential.

How the 4 stages of employee engagement ensure a bright future May 27, 2014
When thinking about the employee angle, I often turn to Coro Strandberg of Strandberg Consulting. I previously interviewed Strandberg about her widely used CSR HR checklist for employee engagement.

Women in CSR – Canada: Coro Strandberg, Strandberg Consulting March 20, 2014
Welcome to the TSSS Series on Canadian Women in CSR. Learn about their journeys, discover what inspires them and explore how they’re making a difference through their careers in sustainability.

ESG Incentives for CEOs
Canadian Investor Magazine February 25, 2014
As shareholders begin to pay attention to corporate social and environmental performance, so do capital markets. Forward thinking corporate boards get ahead of the trend and recalibrate an important performance lever – executive compensation.

Why CFOs are sustainability’s surprising new superheroes January 28, 2014
CFOs are emerging as the new superheroes of the sustainability world. Their unique perspectives, skills, tools and roles empower them to advance corporate sustainability in the rapidly changing marketplace.

Beyond the sustainability business case July 8, 2013
Coro’s work with CBSR on the Transformational Company Qualities is cited in this article from BC Hydro following the 2013 Eco Forum of the Certified General Accountants Association of B.C., hosted in part by BC Hydro Power Smart. The CGA has been working to help its membership understand how sustainability is relevant to accounting careers.

The Best 50 of 2013 by Jeremy Runnalls June 6, 2013
Coro’s recent study – Sustainable Pay: how TXS 60 companies compensate executives for sustainability performance – is cited in an article about Canada’s best corporate citizens raising the bar on sustainability; a recognition that being environmentally and socially responsible is more than just the right thing to do – it’s good for business.

Canadian Extractive and Financial Firms Link Executive Compensation to Sustainability Performance by Robyn Hall April 5, 2013
Coro’s most recent report – Sustainable Pay: how TXS 60 companies compensate executives for sustainability performance – is reviewed in the CSR blog on

All five major Canadian banks respond to shareholder pressure on executive pay by Daniel Brooksbank April 4, 2013
This article about all five of Canada’s leading banks committing to study executive pay issues cites Coro’s report – Sustainable Pay: how TXS 60 companies compensate executives for sustainability performance.
Article available by subscription only.

2 new reports on sustainability jobs and compensation in Canada by John Davies March 27, 2013
Coro’s report – Sustainable Pay: how TXS 60 companies compensate executives for sustainability performance – is showcased in this article about the growth of the sustainability profession in Canada.


Environmental Training and Eco-Inventory DVD for Business
View an interview with Coro providing her thoughts on the impacts and opportunities of climate change on business. A video by Green Workplace.
[video_lightbox_youtube video_id=”In72P8N6pfE” width=”420″ height=”315″ anchor=”Watch the video”]

The Transformational Company
View highlights of the presentation Coro gave to UBC business students at the 2013 Net Impact Conference.
[video_lightbox_youtube video_id=”CFdpwVNlmEI” width=”560″ height=”315″ anchor=”Watch the video”]

Join the sustainability conversation. Coro is active on Twitter and LinkedIn.