The Transformational Company

Accelerate and Scale Sustainability and CSR

There is a new global standard for companies seeking to improve their social and environmental impact – The Transformational Company.

The Transformational Company Qualities are the definitive go-to resource, benchmark and checklist on the essential requirements of leadership in sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR).

TCQ at a Glance

Here is a handy checklist of the nineteen transformational company qualities, in English and French.

Use this in board or leader education or strategy sessions, benchmarking or gap assessments, in sustainability or CSR strategy tune-ups or simply to see how many of these qualities are already in place in your company!

How to Guide

The goal of the Guide is to provide an aspirational and inspirational roadmap for companies to scale up their corporate social responsibility and sustainability efforts. It offers insights into the essential qualities required of companies to ensure business and societal success.

The Transformational Company Qualities are the definitive go-to resource, benchmark and checklist for anyone interested in the essential requirements of CSR or sustainability leadership. They are based on global research into ‘next practices’ in CSR and sustainability.

The nineteen qualities listed below include business cases, case studies and action steps businesses can use to understand and prioritize initiatives that will enhance both business and societal prospects and build a better world for all.

How to Use

Save yourself time and resources by using the Guide to develop or inform your CSR or sustainability priorities. You can:

  • Use the TCQ to understand leading CSR practices around the world
  • Benchmark your company against the qualities and address gaps
  • Use the TCQ to inform your stakeholder consultations
  • Conduct gap and opportunity assessments
  • Include the TCQ in board and leader education and strategy sessions
  • Reference the TCQ when designing or updating your sustainability or CSR strategy
  • Work with your industry or professional association to develop a transformational sector roadmap

TCQ Applied

The Transformational Company Qualities are a powerful tool for accelerating everyday CSR practices. They can be applied in many ways, and here are a current few. Check back for updates or contact CBSR to share the journey of how you have applied the qualities to your organization, markets, regions, value chains or sector.

Water Leadership

Seeking to be a water leader? See how the Transformational Company Qualities have been applied to Water Stewardship.

Water Leadership

Adapt this benchmark and checklist tool to any social or environmental issue and inspire your organization to new levels of vision and impact.

Climate Leadership

Seeking to be a climate leader? See how the Transformational Company Qualities have been applied to climate leadership.

Climate Leadership

Transformational Corporate Climate Leadership involves committing to substantial carbon and methane reductions in company operations and value chains and collaborating with stakeholders to enable the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Industry and Sector Leadership

The Transformational Company Qualities can be adapted to any industry or sector, whether private or public. Here is an example of the TCQ applied to the post-secondary sector.

Industry and Sector Leadership

You may want to adapt this to your own industry sector and use this for strategic planning at your organization. You could also encourage your industry or professional association to develop a sustainability program inspired by the TCQ that encourages members to become more transformational and impactful.

Transformational CSR Continuum

This maturity model shows a continuum of how CSR models are transitioning to become more transformational. Check out this one page tool and use it for strategic planning in your organization.

Transformational CSR Continuum

Adapt this benchmark and checklist tool to any social or environmental issue and inspire your organization to new levels of vision and impact.

Transformational Company Roadmap

Leader companies are following a 3-step process to evolve their business models and corporate strategies in ways that manage risks and leverage opportunities.

Transformational Company Roadmap

This one-page diagram shows the steps companies can take to pursue transformational practices.

19 Transformational Company Qualities

Scroll through the links below to access a short 4–5 page summary of each quality, including why the quality is important, what is the business case, how to implement the quality, best practice case studies of the quality, strategy tools and further resources.

Sustainable Purpose
Aim to align overall corporate purpose with sustainability principles where sustainability drives value, where what the company does is a benefit to society, and where profits enable fair and equitable compensation for natural and societal resources.
Sustainable Customer Offerings
Integrate sustainability into the full life-cycle of product and service design, use and disposal, and advance sustainability through continuous improvement of core products and services.
Working with key stakeholders, adopt business models and strategies that address systemic social, economic and environmental problems; scale solutions with customers and suppliers.
Generate net positive benefits for society, the environment, the company and shareholders, advancing local and global resilience.
Long-Term Vision
Commit to an ambitious long-term multigenerational sustainability vision that includes bold goals and precautionary approach that takes into account the needs of present and future generations, as well as the natural systems on which they rely.
Sustainability Governance and Culture
Embed sustainability into governance, business processes, operations, investments, culture and competencies; incentivize sustainable decisions and enable sustainable innovation.
Enlightened Leadership
Have committed, values-based executive leaders who position the business for short and long-term success by driving the company to adapt to – and influence – structural social, economic and environmental trends, and who foster organizational capacity for change and innovation to create sustainable business models and solutions for the future.
Employee Engagement
Have diverse, equitable, thriving, participatory workforces where employees are champions of sustainability at work, at home and in the broader community.
Inclusive Business
Expand opportunities for all populations as employees, suppliers, distributors and customers.
Implement closed-loop production and advance a closed-loop economy.
Resource Productivity
Achieve a major improvement in the use of resources and materials and become a zero carbon company with respect to energy use.
Value-Chain Influence
Take responsibility for sustainability outcomes of their value chain, both up and downstream of their operations, and across regions and sectors.
Stakeholder Accountability and Transparency
Actively engage and are accountable to all stakeholders, disclosing their sustainability performance, impacts and dependencies.
Customer Engagement
Enable customers to make informed choices, reduce their lifestyle impacts and make a positive difference through education, engagement and innovative products and business models.
Industry Standards
Collaborate within their industry – including with competitors – as well as across sectors to encourage systemic industrial change.
Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration
Lead and participate in multi-stakeholder collaborations to address and overcome systemic barriers and challenges.
Finance Community
Engage the financial community, including investor shareholders, bankers, insurers and accountants, on the opportunities and benefits of sustainable business models.
Public Engagement
Promote sustainability and sustainable lifestyles to the public.
Public Policy Advocacy
Advocate for public policy that advances sustainability.